Where do we begin – such a complex and broad spectrum subject. I’ll keep it brief and not too technical, but from sowing to picking the last fruit in Autumn they need constant attention. When you sow them don’t cover the seed they need light to germinate. Prick out the seedlings into individual cells or small pots. Use sterile compost at the same temperature as the greenhouse and don’t oversoak them. Grow them on and never let them catch a chill, if they do, they go blue, scrap them and start again, they will never be any good. Give them as much light as possible. So they don’t get drawn, the first truss of fruit needs to be as near the soil as possible. Ventilate whenever possible to keep the air moving and if in grow bags feed when the first fruit is the size of a small marble. If greenhouse grown support with hemp string from the greenhouse roof – remove side shoots carefully. If they are large cut them out with a sharp blade – don’t leave any stringy bits or ugly wounds as this is where botrytis strikes. A wound of this type when infected will result in the death of the plant. Botrytis spores get in the air and if they land on a droplet of water on the fruit they mark the fruit and spoil the look of it. (This is called ghost spotting). If the plant when growing strongly seems to be thirsty but no amount of water can perk it up, then it probably is suffering from a think call Wilt. If it is not too late in the year remove the plant and start again. In August you won’t really want anymore fruit setting as it will be too late to ripen it so I nip the top of the plant out and it will turn all its energy into swelling the existing fruit. Throughout the summer don’t waste any surplus fruit let them ripen to blood red , pick them, skin them by putting them in pan and pouring boiling water over them. Leave for a couple of minutes pour the hot water off and run cold water over them – the skin comes off easily. Chop them up roughly and gently boil the fruit for half an hour or so to produce a pulp – cool in small plastic containers and freeze. This is good for at least 12 months and use it for pasta sauces and chillies etc.